August 03, Saturday 10:30 AM: One Day Tour to Toledo Zoo (No Mass or Social due to St. Angela Festival)
Audust 10, Saturday 10:30 AM: Annual Picnic at HALMICH Park Warren
September 07, Saturday 6:30 PM: Holy Mass (No Social)
October 05, Saturday 6:30 PM: Holy Mass followed by Social (North Zone) and Annual Competitions
October 12 Saturday: Annual Mission Day Celebrations
November 02 Saturday 6:30 PM: Holy Mass followed by Social (East Zone) and Annual Competitions
December 07 Saturday 6:30 PM: Holy Mass followed by Social (South Zone) and General Body Meeting for Election
December 24 Tuesday: X'mas Mass followed by Social (Potluck Dinner) & Prize distribution
December 28 Saturday -- Ecumenical X'mas Program